

Primary Care, Weight Loss & Aesthetics located in Upper Marlboro and Waldorf, MD


Aesthetics services offered in Upper Marlboro and Waldorf, MD

Looking and feeling younger can create the happiness and exceptional quality of life you deserve. At Total Wellness Healthcare Clinic in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, primary care, medical weight loss specialist, Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician Yetunde Sannoh, MD, offers revitalizing aesthetics treatments and solutions for women and men. Aesthetics can also be combined with physical wellness and customized weight loss plans to optimize results. Schedule an evaluation by phone or online to discover the best options.

Aesthetics Q&A

What is medical aesthetics?

Medical aesthetics include solutions that improve the way patients feel and look. Total Wellness Healthcare Clinic uses the latest advances in treatments and technologies to create a flattering and younger look without invasive treatments or significant downtime.


What are some benefits of medical aesthetics?

Aesthetic solutions offer numerous advantages for self-confidence and well-being, such as:

  • Younger look
  • Fewer lines and wrinkles
  • Plumper and poutier lips
  • Less acne
  • Diminished scarring
  • Reduced stretch marks
  • Fewer visible veins
  • Less unwanted facial or body hair
  • Improved facial and body contours
  • Reduced stubborn fat pockets

Total Wellness Healthcare Clinic offers physical wellness options, including medically supervised weight loss, customized nutrition and exercise plans, chronic disease management, primary care, and more.


What are some examples of medical aesthetics?

Aesthetics solutions include:


Dermal fillers add volume to lax, sagging, or wrinkled tissues to optimize contours and improve the appearance of aging skin.



Botox is an injectable designed to reduce common signs of aging, such as frowns, smiles, and laugh lines. It can also ease jaw clenching, reduce the severity of migraines, eliminate eye twitching or lazy eye, and diminish excessive sweating.


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

PRP is an injectable containing parts of your blood. It stimulates new hair growth and creates younger-looking, smoother, and healthier skin. 

PRP injections may also be recommended for specific injuries and conditions to reduce inflammation and promote healing.



CoolSculpting is a treatment that freezes fat cells, allowing the body to eliminate them over time and achieve slimmer body contours. This treatment can be combined with medical weight loss to enhance results.



Morpheus8 uses radiofrequency microneedling to stimulate new cell production and smooth aging skin. It can also eliminate wrinkles and other imperfections.



Facial treatments include intense pulsed light (IPL), spa facials, chemical peels, and custom facials that give the skin a revitalized, refreshed, and younger-looking glow.


Laser treatments

Laser treatments can stimulate new cell growth, create younger-looking skin, reduce unwanted hair, and diminish visible veins, stretch marks, sun spots, and more*. 


Which aesthetics services are best for me?

The Total Wellness Healthcare Clinic team reviews your medical history, discusses your goals, and completes a physical exam to determine which aesthetic solutions are best suited. All medical aesthetics treatments available at the clinic are highly safe and effective. 

To get started, schedule an aesthetics consultation at Total Wellness Healthcare Clinic by phone or online today.

*Individual results may vary from person to person